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The Roman Military Systems and Reforms

The Manipular and Cohort Systems
The Marian, Augustan and Diocletian Reforms


The Roman Military

The Roman Military was renowned throughout history as a formidable force. They were able to conquer most of Europe, North Africa and parts of the Middle East. Their military strength was maily attributed to their organization and discipline. They have adopted, discarded and reformed several military strategies and practices as they faced different enemies and developed as an empire.

The Roman Military Systems

The Manipular System and The Cohort System

          As Rome continued to conquer, they adopted two military systems; the manipular system and the cohort system. The Manpular System was first introduced as Rome had trouble manuevering in hilly and mountainous terrains. The manupular system gave them a felxiable army that can operate well. The Cohort System was later used when the Romans started to fight bigger enemies and needed a way to create an organized and professional army.

The Roman Military Reforms

The Marian, Augustan and Diocletian Reforms

          In order to make the Roman Military organized the Marian, Augustan and Deocletian reforms were made. The Marian Reforms was what gave birth to the cohort system. The Augustan reforms further improved the Cohort system and organized leadership as well as several aspects. The Diocletian Reforms was put into place when the Roman Imperial Army declined in efficiency and became obsolete.

About the Site

This site is created first and foremost to inform and impart knowledge about how the Roman military works in some of its aspects. This is also created in part as an accomplishment for our project in our subject Empowerment Technology (E-Tech) ICT for Professional Tracks.


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